The Practice of Yoga

"Yoga is more than just a body moving - it is the cultivation of insight through: mindfulness in every moment, meditation, bliss, freedom, and joy." - Susanna Barkataki

The word "Yoga" comes from Sanskrit and means Unity, or Oneness - the connection of Breath, Body, Mind, and Spirit. 

The many ancient practices, methods, and tools of yoga originate from the subcontinent of India and have been passed down from teacher-to-student for thousands of years. Yoga is a lifelong path of inner-world exploration and study; it is the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind. At it's roots, it is a practice dedicated to relieving suffering and finding liberation for all.

Yoga in the West is frequently thought of and practiced as a physical exercise. While asana practice is important, reducing yoga to only postures and movement deprives us from understanding a system that can cultivate more inner-peace, joy, and harmony within ourselves. 

Raja Yoga and Patanjali

One of the most well-known schools of yoga originates from 'The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

In this ancient text, Patanjali describes a comprehensive system of eight steps which are known collectively as Raja Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga. 

Raja Yoga traditionally emphasizes meditation as the path to self-realization: the body is being used as a focal point, connecting with breath and awareness to increase your skill of meditation (or dhyana) and ultimately bring the practitioner closer to an enlightened state of consciousness known as samadhi

Yamas and Niyamas

The first two steps or limbs of Raja or Ashtanga Yoga establish yogic ethics

Yamas - refers to the 5 self-restraints relating to the outside world

Niyamas - refers to the 5 fixed-observances of the relationship with yourself and your body

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga - Yoga of Body and Mind Purification

Hatha Yoga is arguably the tradition most familiar to Western culture due to the focus on the physical body. The most fundamental text of Hatha Yoga is the 'Hatha Yoga Pradipika,' written by Swami Swatamarama, disciple of Swami Gorakhnath. 

Hatha yoga asana practice is generally more slow and with more static posture holds than found in other popular styles, such as Vinyasa. However, the tradition of Hatha yoga encompasses much more than the physical practice which has become popular today. The techniques described in Hatha Yoga harmonize and purify the body systems and focus the mind, traditionally in preparation for more advanced chakra and kundalini practices.

More Types of Yoga

The world of yogic practices, methods, and tools is vast and complex. 

There are many different lineages and schools of yoga to consider. The following descriptions are brief and this is not a complete list:

Benefits of Developing a Yoga Practice

Cognitive, Behavioral, and Psychological Influences:

Physiological Influences:

Yoga Sadhanas - Ways to Practice

"Sadhana" means spiritual ritual, and refers to your daily practice.  There are many yoga sadhanas and ways to practice yoga, including Patanjali's eight limbs. 

A Few Examples: 

Potential Stumbling Blocks

Potential aggravation of high blood pressure, complications with glaucoma, possible muscle strain and back injury, exacerbation of existing injuries, and other pitfalls to be wary of when starting your yoga practice. Check out the resource links below: